The very talented writer, coach and facilitator, Sarah Tinsley, has been kind enough to interview me about ‘things found on the mountain’ on her website.
Sarah had previously featured my short story collection, ‘Trouble Crossing the Bridge’ in her Review section, and spoke highly of my work back then, so I was very pleased that she also wanted to feature my novel – although, as they are quite different, I couldn’t be sure she would also be happy with my writing, this time round!
But, fortunately, she really enjoyed the book, and loves my main character, Beth (as I do). She asked some very interesting questions, which I hope I managed to answer.
Here’s the link to her piece.
Thank you so much, Sarah, for putting this interview up there! It is much appreciated.
‘things found on the mountain’ is available from Seren Books and all good bookshops etc.
‘Trouble Crossing the Bridge’ is now available on Kindle.