I am delighted to have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize!

This is an American prize, recognizing the best work published in small presses, during the past year. Each press editor can choose up to six pieces featured in their publications. Overall winners are then collected in an anthology.
My nomination is from Sans.Press.

As you can see, it’s for my story, ‘Haire’, which was published in their ‘Stranger’ anthology, earlier in the year.

The paperback version of ‘Stranger’ is available from the press’s website.
I am very grateful to the editors, Paula and Sam, for this honour.
This is my second Pushcart nomination. My first was for my story ‘Ballast’, which featured in Arachne Press’s ‘Time and Tide’ anthology.

To have been nominated twice, by different publications, is particularly pleasing. Thank you, all. And good luck to fellow ‘Sans.Press’ nominees and, indeed, all those from other presses.