A big thank you to all those who made the launch of ‘things found on the mountain’ such an enjoyable and memorable occasion. (Hard to believe it was more than a week ago, now!)

There were family, friends, neighbours and those who had seen the posters, and decided to attend – together filling every seat in the house, and all giving me their appreciation and support, which I, in turn, appreciate very, very much.
(The only empty seat belongs to the photographer. Thanks to him, too!)
I was, as it happens, particularly lucky to have the wonderful Philippa Davies interviewing me. She asked great questions, so that, besides relating some of the writing process behind my novel, along with my work in general, we were also able to be entertaining… I think so, anyway! There was certainly laughter, from both of us, and the audience (who also contributed some interesting facts about subjects raised in the book, as well as asking several perceptive questions). In fact, as I said at the start, we were definitely enjoying ourselves!

I must also thank Pepper’s/West Wales Arts Centre for providing such a perfect venue, and looking after us so well, with delicious canapes and drinks, to refresh us, after all the talking.
And Seaways Bookshop (West Street, Fishguard – a great local bookshop, we are so lucky to have them) provided the copies of the book, and undertook the sales, as professionally and pleasantly as ever.

And if you weren’t able to make the launch, the book is available from other good bookshops and Seren, direct, here.
Thanks, of course, to Seren, too!