I have been subscribing to Mslexia for years (almost from their beginnings), and always enter their short story competition, which is regarded among the best – though it is for women only, it must be said!
Mslexia always let entrants know how they did, and I was expecting my usual ‘no, but do keep on trying’. But, this time, I learnt I had made the long list, and I’m really pleased at that. Like my Bridport top five per cent, it means my work is standing out, and the stories I regard as good enough to enter in a competition are also picked up on by some of the best writers out there. The judge in this case was A L Kennedy, acclaimed author of six short story collections, who said of the entries ‘I have never read a stronger set of submissions.’
But… I had actually entered two stories in the competition this time around, and the email didn’t specify which of the two had made the long list. So I queried this and very quickly had a reply telling me both my stories had made it in there!
So… a double long listing, which I would like to think warrants some kind of special award, but, sadly, that’s just in my head!
Congratulations to all those short listed and placed! And thank you to Mslexia and A L Kennedy.