Today – November 26th – is Black Friday, which is when we are all supposed to spend, spend, spend.

This is the beginning of my story ‘Risk Factor’, which uses the ‘formula’ for ‘Black Friday’ as a means of telling the tale of a woman obsessed with shopping, following the death of her husband.
It does not end well.
‘Risk Factor’ is the opening story in my collection, ‘Trouble Crossing the Bridge’ (published by Chaffinch Press last year).

The experimental nature of the writing, the study of a damaged character, the unusual way in which she attempts to deal with the vicissitudes life has thrown at her all give an idea of the stories that follow, and the collection as a whole.
Copies of ‘Trouble’ are still available, and if you would like to contact me through this website, they are on offer at a bargain price, for a limited ‘Black Friday’ period, signed by me!